Monday, November 19, 2012

Just some more bragging since it has been a while that I posted last on here... I have been collecting fagcash like always even while I am not online as much as most that call themselves "Masters"... The fighting gym that I am running is going very well with nothing but even better times ahead for Me and the gym... Now since I am about to head to the gym again right now, I am going to cut this short and just show some screen captures from some fagcash collecting last night with the wreckedatmfag... Get a second job, sell some shit or do whatever to be able to afford the time of a True Straight Alpha GOD... Evil Master

The total for this fagcash collecting was $1,000 in cash for Me and also a few gifts from My wishlist... Each chunk of fagcash collected was $250 times four equals $1,000... More fagcash where EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CENT OF FAGCASH BELONGS... IN EVIL MASTER'S ACCOUNTS AND HANDS... THE TRUE STRAIGHT ALPHA GOD